
Showing posts from May, 2017

Why Bernard Sleijster chooses to support health and wellness

In a previous post, about how marketing can change the world for the better, I talked a little bit about the industries that I support through my work in marketing. Currently I am working with companies that focus on sustainability, cleantech and wellness and hospitality. So why did I choose to support the health and wellness industries? “We are at a pivotal movement where people worldwide are taking steps to change the way they live, work, and play, while at the same time governments are finally recognizing the value of investing in prevention to lower healthcare costs,” said Susie Ellis, Chairman and CEO of the Global Wellness Institute. Everybody wants to look better, feel better, look younger and be healthier inside and out. Nowadays we have many proven methods to help people do just that, and the growth is in this industry has been huge in the recent years. A study conducted by a non-profit research firm SRI International, revealed that the health and wellness is one of

Life lessons Bernard Sleijster learnt from boxing

In my first blog post I mentioned that as a young man, I spent a great deal of time boxing. With my last amateur fight I even won the district championship in the middle weight class. Boxing has taught me a significant amount about life inside and outside of the ring, and I would like to share some of these points with you. It got me thinking about health and nutrition Not unlike most young boys, I grew up with a pretty “normal” childhood. I ate anything I felt like and didn’t think much about my general wellbeing until I started boxing. Our trainers were tough on us, but they had a point: we must look after our bodies. Over the many years of training, I began to eat better and solidified many healthy habits in my life. It is still a passion to this day to be able to share this with as many children as possible. I have recently founded a children’s charity in Central and South America, where one of my primary goals is to introduce sports to communities where health and fitness is

Bernard Sleijster's first blog – mini auto-biography

My name is Bernardus Johannes Sleijster and I’m writing this first blog post just to personally introduce myself to the internet community. I was originally born in the Netherlands, in the beautiful capital of Amsterdam, where I have spent most of my childhood. Back then, my beloved grandmother gave me the nickname “Berrel”, which is what my friends and family usually call me, but I am also known by the name Bernard. Growing up, for my extra curricular activities outside of school, I thoroughly enjoyed boxing. Actually, that is an understatement, boxing played a huge part in my life, and I am even proud to say that one year I won the district championship in the middle weight class! I owe a great deal to the many years I devoted to amateur boxing. I noticed that my grades began to get better, as I has a passion to focus on outside of the classroom. My confidence levels rose, which has been a game-changer in the professional world later on in life, and teachers and parents