Bernard Sleijster's first blog – mini auto-biography

My name is Bernardus Johannes Sleijster and I’m writing this first blog post just to personally introduce myself to the internet community.

I was originally born in the Netherlands, in the beautiful capital of Amsterdam, where I have spent most of my childhood. Back then, my beloved grandmother gave me the nickname “Berrel”, which is what my friends and family usually call me, but I am also known by the name Bernard.

Growing up, for my extra curricular activities outside of school, I thoroughly enjoyed boxing. Actually, that is an understatement, boxing played a huge part in my life, and I am even proud to say that one year I won the district championship in the middle weight class!

I owe a great deal to the many years I devoted to amateur boxing. I noticed that my grades began to get better, as I has a passion to focus on outside of the classroom. My confidence levels rose, which has been a game-changer in the professional world later on in life, and teachers and parents alike noticed a great change in my personality. With a healthy way to release those built-up negative emotions, and let’s face it, what teenager doesn’t have something they’re holding on to, I found myself being a lot more calm and mind-steady than before.

By the end of my school years, when teachers would ask me, “Bernardus, what do you want to do with your life?” I knew two things, that I wanted to run my own business and that I wanted to help others. Thus I enrolled into the School of Entrepreneurs in Amsterdam, hoping to find a niche that would call to my heart.

I found that the world of marketing sparked my interest, and so I dove deep into the subject, taking extra courses and attending many lectures. It never ceased to amaze me how you can take one persons tiny idea, hopefully something that may change the world for the better, and through the help of marketing experts, that idea would grow and develop and touch many lives.

So to keep this first blog short, I will finish my little story of how I became an entrepreneur on a happy note. Soon after I finished my studies, I was on the fast track to success. I opened my very own business in import/export and trading, and I also began to give marketing consultations to individuals and small businesses.

I believe that marketing has enormous power and a huge role to play in our lives, which can be used to spread good and useful information, or in some cases, perhaps not so good. I choose to work with businesses where I truly believe in their goals and intentions. I have a keen interest in clean tech and wellness, and I hope to spread the message of sustainability and health worldwide.


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